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Reciprocally Yours 2022
Site-specific temporary exhibition in Narvik War Museum in ZONA, from February 1st 2022. The exhibition period was extended from December 12th 2022 to April 2nd 2023 due to positive response from the audience.
Narvik War Museum - ZONA : Images from the exhibition

Images and titles of the 12 paintings in the exhibition : Open as PDF

Article in the newspaper Fremover : Open as PDF

One of "10 great exhibitions to look out for" :

Narvik War Museum website :

Reciprocally (adverb) : Action or agreement between two parts or groups, who do the same to each other, or help each other in the same way.
Handshaking or dexiosis was practiced in ancient Greece, as far back as 5th century BC. The handshake is believed by some to have originated as a gesture of peace, by demonstrating that the hand holds no weapon. The handshake is commonly don upon meeting, greeting, parting, offering congratulations, expressing gratitude or completing an agreement. Its purpose is to convey trust, balance, respect and equality. (Wikipedia)
"Reciprocally Yours", by Marianne Løvvik

"Reciprocally Yours" 2019-2022 is a project that questions democratic states' self-awareness in international processes.

Western aid and trade policies are executed in the name of democracy, but inevitably have connections to economic interests and balancing security policies. Trade policies are presented as a mutual good, but also involve cooperation with corrupt regimes and economic benefit on behalf of human rights. Aid is presented as developmental support but can also be a means of power. War campaigns are founded in humanitarian concerns but stimulates industrial activity and substantiates the self-awareness of fighting for peace.

How do democratic states relate to these paradoxes?

In the end, it's a matter of responsibility.

"Reciprocally Yours" is temporarily exhibited at Narvik War Museum as part of "Zona". Here, universal questions connected to war and conflicts are thematised and opened for.

Marianne Løvvik's project involves in-depth reflections of the intersection between democratic processes and ethical obligations and invites the audience to dialogue concerning this phenomenon.

Text: Narvik War Museum in collaboration with Marianne Løvvik.

"Reciprocally Yours", av Marianne Løvvik (Norwegian)

"Reciprocally Yours" 2019-2022 er et prosjekt som stiller spørsmål ved demokratiske staters selvbevissthet i internasjonale prosesser.

Vestlig bistand- og handelspolitikk utøves i demokratiets navn, men møter uunngåelige koblinger til økonomiske interesser og sikkerhetspolitiske avveininger. Handelspolitikk presenteres som et gjensidig gode, men innebærer også samarbeid med korrupte regimer og økonomisk profitt på bekostning av menneskerettigheter. Bistand blir presentert som støtte til utvikling, men kan også være et maktmiddel. Krigføring forankres i humanitære hensyn, men stimulerer industriell aktivitet og underbygger selvoppfatningen om å være fredsforkjempere.

Hvordan forholder demokratiske stater seg til paradoksene?

Til sist handler det om ansvar.

"Reciprocally Yours" er midlertidig utstilt på Narvik Krigsmuseum som en del av "Zona". Her tematiseres og åpnes det for universelle spørsmål knyttet til krig og konflikt.

Marianne Løvviks prosjekt åpner for fordypelse og refleksjon over skjæringspunktet mellom demokratiske prosesser og etiske forpliktelser, og inviterer publikum til dialog omkring dette fenomenet.

Tekst: Narvik Krigsmuseum i samarbeid med Marianne Løvvik.